
"Five Stars!"


I tried your walnut bars for the first time this weekend. Divine! I feel like I am having a taste of Heaven, so delicious that my eyes roll back into my head in ecstasy, while licking my fingers. I haven’t eaten anything so satisfying in a long time. Thank you for making such a fantastic treat that is also nutritious. – Ima


Someone visiting your area gave me your products as a birthday gift. I am not too hot on candy, but your Noci Bella Chocolate Dipped is better than free beer and trial marriage. Do you ship to Georgia? - D. In Rudisill, GA


I was lucky enough to be in the Walnut Creek Whole Foods last week when they were sampling your Walnut Terrazzo and Walnut Terrazzo with Chocolate. I purchased both and they were quickly devoured! - K. in Redwood City, CA


I am very drawn to the chocolate dipped. For those of us who need to stay away from dessert and need a chocolate fix, they are THE BEST! - Susie in california


An ounce of walnuts has more antioxidants than the daily sum of what the average person gets from fruits and vegetables. Walnuts contribute nutrients essentIal to a healthy lifestyle. Eating walnuts is one of the easiest things a person can do to improve their health. Our walnut terrazzo is made with California’s finest walnuts, honey, pure maple syrup, and sea salt.